We had breakfast together at 7:00 A.M. and A Young is in her new school uniform and getting ready to leave for an 8 hour school day.
I met Yuna Nam at 9:00 A.M. and we made our way to our first of 5 meetings that would take us to 5:00 P.M. Yuna led the last two meetings with placement agencies and did a great job. She has been a tremendous help with confirming appointments, making new appointments as well as making sure taxi drivers know how to get us from one appointment to the next. Even when taxi drivers got lost (which happens a lot) Yuna knew how to navigate them to our correct address.
I met A Young’s family at 7:00 P.M. for our last dinner together before I moved to Hae Jin’s family. We had dinner outside on the roof of one of the hotels with a large barbeque and buffet dinner including live music. I expressed to A Young and her family how helpful they had been to me during the last 4 days.
Arrived at Hae Jin’s home around 10:00 P.M. Hae Jin lived with Dottie and I while at Foxcroft Academy . Hae Jin's mother, Soon Hee visited us in 2008 and Dottie and Sook Hee have continued to enjoy their relationship. Through the years Hae Jin’s dad and I talk regularly via MSN. When we met in Hae Jin's apartment parking lot so that A Young's family could hand me off to Hae Jin's family everyone gave each other a big hug. I have lived in Hae Jin’s home before and felt as if I was coming home. After two hours of conversation and delicious fruit we headed to bed. I will be staying with Hae Jin for 5 days.