We finished our day around 5:00 p.m. after visiting 3 agencies. We continue to hear from agency to agency how currency valuation has hurt the Korean economy significantly having a devastating impact on businesses, employment rate and in our case the number of families who can afford to send their student abroad. One agency which sent 200 students to private boarding students in 2008 will only send a total of 5 students to America in the coming year. This story is being told over and over again.
In the evening I had dinner with the families of one of current students. The meal was a 4.5 hour event of traditional Korean foods as well as traditional Korean music and dance. I arrived home at 10:30 p.m. Hae Jin and her parents had waited up for me and we enjoyed some brownies that Hae Jin had made and then we all talked to Dottie by way of Skype. We headed to bed at 1:00 a.m..