On our first day we did some sightseeing including going to the Seoul Tower which sits on the highest peak in Seoul. Historically this is the place through the centuries which stood as a "watch tower" over Seoul. The smoke signal towers are st
ill in place. We also took part in several ancient Korea battle exercises, but I did not do so well - much harder than it looks. A Young got be to participate in some ancient Korean battle games and then we placed our names together on the Seoul Tower. That evening I had dinner with the Choi family but got home to A Young's home in time to talk to A Young and her dad. A Young's mom got home at midnight from her Academy responsibilities, where she oversees the local "Academy" which provides day and evening instruction for students beyond of the normal school day.
On Sunday morning we left for A Young's church, Kangdam Joongang Church where I had been invited to preach during one to their services. This is a church with an active membership of 6000 people and each Sunday there are 8 services - each with 500 to 800 people. I preached at the 1:30 P.M. service which was geared primarily to college students attending Seoul National University.