Soki and I got up at 5:30 a.m. and left her home at 6:30 a.m. to get to the bus station in plenty of time to make sure tickets were not sold out! We both got a ticket and boarded the bus at 8 am for a 5 hour bus ride to Hangzhou. We would have arrived on time, but were stopped by the police as they had closed down the highway because a government official and his “party” (no pun intended) were traveling on the road. Soki one more time had to call Mengli (Diana) to let her know we would be further delayed. Diana then called the parents and restaurant and further adjusted my schedule. When we arrived we were picked up by Bolin Zhu’s d
Diana had also
We arrived for the parent reception on time. Adam’s mother who had hosted an earlier meeting had also arranged and paid for our entire parent reception. She had her staff set up the room. We had 47 parents and students attend the reception including Bolin and Diana (alumni). Diana had suggested that I allow Adam interpret for me instead of herself since Adam’s mom was hosting the reception. I told Diana she was a so smart for making this suggestion and I wouldn’t know what to do without all her help…she smiled.
After the reception I met with 4 families individually for short periods of time to give them brief updates on their child. Parents again shared their appreciation for our good work in caring for their students. Aki’s parents also requested a meeting in Shenzhen when I am there so we are working on the details.
After all the meetings Diana and Bolin took me shopping (10:00 P.M.) to see if I could find a dress for Dottie. I lasted about 30 minutes and told Bolin and Diana I need to go back to the hotel that I was exhausted from all the meetings and travel during the last three days between Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhen. A lesson learned: Don’t book as many meetings in such a short time span when so much travel is required – give myself at least two days in any one city.